Diskotimantti - Siiderimies

New Retro Wave Diskotimantti Siiderimies NRW Radio is here! Our Clothing Line: Woah! Something special right here. Italo feels with Finnish lyrics! Enjoy! ///Lyrics in English/// Ciderman... He does not have the jaw of Ridge Forrester Neither greased pelvis of Ricky Martin But every hero has their superpower And when he reveals his, girls take a queue number Ciderman... Ciderman’s lips Are made of raspberries and strawberries Let’s get intoxicated and forget formalities Whispering your fantasies through the night Raspberries Strawberries Only naughty fantasies Raspberries Strawberries All the naughtiest of fantasies I wasn’t gonna call again But at night my sugar tooth started to ache I have never been so miserable Thus I beg for another queue number Ciderman’s l
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