ቫሄ ትልቢያን “ባሊሃንዶ“ | Vahe Tilbian “Bailando” live performance at Kana Studio

ቫሄ ትልቢያን ቃና ስቱድዮ በመገኘት በአለም አቀፍ አድናቆትን ያተረፈውን “ባሊሃንዶ” የተሰኘውን የኤንሪኬ ኤግሊስያስን ሙዚቃ ከላይቭ ባንድ ጋር በቃና ጃምስ ላይ ተጫውቶት ነበር፡፡እንዴት አገኛችሁት? ቃና ጃምስ ዘወትር እሁድ ከምሽቱ 1፡00 ሰአት ላይ በቃና Vahe Tilbian performed “Bailando” and pulled off a beautiful live music performance at Kana Studio. What did you think of his performance? Whose performance would you like to see next? #Kana #Kana_TV #Kana_Television #Kana_Jams #Music #Vahe_Tilbian #Vahe #Bailando #Ethiopia #Live_Performance #Enrique_Iglesias #Salsa Subscribe to watch exclu
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