Vysotski, Bermuda Triangle / Высоцкий, Дорогая передача (subs by )
Dear sir TV show anchor,
We, Kanatchikov farm faction,
Were on pins and needles, waiting
For last Saturday TV.
Hence, instead of dining, washing,
Being jabbed and lastly flopping,
Patients of a loony hospice
Flocked before a TV screen.
There, a balderdash inflamer
Chewed the scenery, semaphored,
Blaming scholars for a failure
To resolve Bermuda core.
Got our brains to go to fractions,
Got our gyri interweaved,
And Kanatchikov farm faction
Were prescribed an extra needle.
Dear sir TV show anchor,
How, pe
4 years ago 00:00:53 1
Про книги, которые я пишу сейчас
6 years ago 00:04:20 4
Vysotski, Bermuda Triangle / Высоцкий, Дорогая передача (subs by )