(2307) Israel’s Govts Under Benjamin Netanyahu Channeled Funds To Hamas | Explained | Israel-Hamas War - YouTube

Script: Yudhajit Shankar Das Israel has pledged to destroy Hamas. It is, however, ironical that Israel’s governments under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu consciously channelised funds to Hamas and helped it gain the strength and power that it has today. But why did Israel do so and how did its calculations go awry? Benjamin Netanyahu’s government worked with the singular purpose of trying to prevent the formation of a Palestinian state, according to experts. It also sought to buy peace by giving Gaza residents a glimpse of a better life by funneling money and providing work issue of funneling “Qatari money“ to Hamas by the Israeli government was mentioned in public by Saudi Arabia’s former intelligence chief, Prince Turki al-Faisal, in an address on October 20. Al-Faisal’s remarks came after Hamas terrorists on October 7 butchered over a thousand Israelis and took over 200 ’s statement surprised many, as people couldn’t make sense of
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