The tarogato is an instrument that played a significant role in Hungarian history. After it made the Ottoman occupation more bearable, its modern form was born in the 19th century. It is used in historical music, folk music, classical music, and jazz. Dániel Váczi gave the instrument a third life: since 2016, he is working on woodwind instruments that make glissando possible. The first model is the glissotar, the glissonic version of a hybrid tarogato – soprano saxophone. Our short film tells the story of how this special new instrument has started its way to worldwide fame. It features the inventor, the builder, the music historian, and musicians, accompanied with several genres of music that shows a thousand faces of glissotar.
The short film will be premiered on the Facebook page and youtube page of the Sonus Foundation.
The short film was made in the project ’The yesterday and tomorrow of the tarogato’, a project of the Sonus Foundation for the Support of New Music and Contemporary
9 months ago 00:02:42 1
Introducing the Glissotar
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Dániel Váczi & Tóbiás Terebessy: Glissotar
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Glissotar – The Third Life of Tarogato
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