Catherine/Henry/Diane || That sh*t it tears me up

♛ ♛ ♛ ♛ ♛ ♛ ♛ ♛ ♛ ♛ ♛ ♛ ♛ ♛ ♛ ♛ ♛ ♛ ♛ ♛ ♛ ♛ ♛ The video’s quality is much better in HD Yesterday, while I was talking to my younger sister, she gave me this idea for a vidding. I imediatly started my work to show her the result at the end of the day, she was actually quit satisfied about it. So don’t hesitate to comment to give your opinion and to subscribe if you like what I’m doing :) xx Characters • Catherine de Medici, Diane de Poitiers & Henry II Tv Show • Reign Song • Same old love (by )
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