Darkness Enshroud - MALEFICIUM The Psalms of Diabolus (full album 2019)

Band: Darkness Enshroud Album: “MALEFICIUM - The Psalms of Diabolus“ Tracklist: 1. Oratio ad Angelum Perspiciunt Lapsum, In Rubrum Draco, Dominum Nostrum a Diaboli (Prayer of the Fallen Angel, the Red Dragon, Our Lord the Devil) - 0:00 2. In Nomine Diabole Spiritus - 7:25 3. The Black Arte of Maleficia - 17:26 4. Vinculum Spiritibus Malignis (A Ritual Pact with Malignant Spirits) - 24:33 5. Lucifugous - 30:25 6. Conjuration of Infernal and Celestial Hierarchy - 35:27 7. Veneficus Daemonium Animae Zabulus (S
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