Биотоп Luciobarbus graellsii. Рио Матарранья. Испания
Known in Spanish as Barbo de Graells and in Catalan as Barb comú, this is a common cyprinid fish in the middle reaches of rivers in northeastern Spain. It has also recently been introduced to areas surrounding Tuscany in Italy.
The Ebro Barbel matures at around 20 cms in length and can grow to 80 cms with a reported lifespan of up to 16 years. It feeds on invertebrates, plants and algae.
These fish were filmed in the Rio Matarranya at Val de Robres in the Ebron River catchment in Teruel, Spain. Fish can
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Биотоп Luciobarbus graellsii. Рио Матарранья. Испания