β KRIDDO Kids Tricycle βΆ
When kids are little, nothing is more exciting than jumping on their first bike and heading off on their little adventures. But before they go flying down the street you want them to learn and grow at a kid-friendly pace.
We developed the KRIDDO Kids Tricycle for ages 24 months to 5 years old to help young boys and girls learn about riding with pedals. Fun and easy to use on all terrain, these easy-push balancing bikes even come with a front light and puncture-free 12-inch front rubber tires.
TODDLER TRICYCLE β The KRIDDO kids tricycle is designed for 2-5 5-year-old toddler girls & boys who are curious and excited to explore the world, it helps to develop kidsβ steering skills, steering, and coordination at an early age. KRIDDO kids trike for 2-year-olds lets your kids enjo