Giorgio Signorile - Le isole di Gauguin

Héctor Javier Rodríguez, guitar Guitar: Thomas Humphrey (Millennium) New York, 2001 Le isole di Gaugun from 3 Parisan Impressions From Giorgio Signorile Paris, its streets, the underground, and its museums - they all linger in your memory, even if you have been there for a few days only. This is a tribute of mine to the city I love the most. On the pretext of itself, which was like a living atelier and a mother to Monet, Gauguin, and Toulouse-Lautrec. Paris is a city where you are like to get lost while you are strolling on its cobblestones - just as if you were in a small village in the North of France - or where you can sit at a table in a café sipping a glass of cider or languidly reading some symbolists poems...
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