Nightcore Hej Sokoły German Version

Lyrics in subtitles. In the future, it will be in the video itself. Текст песни в субтитрах. В далнейшем будет в самом ролике. Hej, sokoły - a Polish song that is also popular in Ukraine and Belarus. According to popular opinion, its author is a Polish-Ukrainian poet, one of the representatives of the Polish Ukrainian school Thomas Padura (1801-1871)[2], but, nevertheless, in some sources it is presented as Polish[3] or Ukrainian [4] folk song. “Hej, sokoły“ tells about a Ukrainian Cossack (in some versions, a Lancer) who went to a foreign land and longed for his Homeland and for the beloved girl who remained there. The ending of the song, unfortunately, is very sad: the hero for some reason will not be able to see his Homeland again. Moreover, his beloved is dead, and, accordingly, he will never see her again. The hero of the song is very sad about this and asks first for wine (probably to “wash down“ two such strong sorrows), and then to bury him after death next to his beloved girl. Hej, sokoły - польск
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