The best 17 Bo Staff Spin Techniques !! These are fundamental rolls excellent for beginners and also advanced practitioners. There are many ways to use the Bo Staff. In that video you can learn how to spin bo staff.
Learn Bo Staff Spinning for Kung fu, Karate, Taekwondo, Sibpalki or many other martial Arts.
Basic but also amazing Bo Staff movements.
Enjoy your Bo Staff spinning tutorial!!
0:05 #01 Basic spin
0:31 #02 One hand front spin
1:00 #03 One hand front spin reverse
1:31 #04 Front spin switching hands
2:15 #05 Under arm spin
2:38 #06 Reverse spin switching hands
3:05 #07 Two handed under arm spin
3:36 #08 Two handed under arm spin reverse
4:05 #09 Down sides switching hands
4:39 #10 Basic spin back
5:11 #11 Spin back up & down
5:45 #12 360°
6:15 #13 Mix & fun
6:54 #14 Waist spin
7:50 #15 Helicopter spin
8:22 #16 Helicopter & behind back
8:52 #17 Horizontal spin combos
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En este tutorial aprenderas las mejores 17 técnicas de giro de palo ! Estas técnicas
fundamentales son excelentes para principiantes y también para avanzados. Hay muchas formas de usar el Bo Staff. La mayoria de estas técnicas de palo te serán bien útiles tanto si practicas Kung fu, Karate, Taekwondo, Sibpalki o muchas otras artes marciales.
5 months ago 00:03:35 1
Jackson Rudolph Bo Staff Tip of the Month: Palm Spin Drill