President Mateos Of Mexico Visits Usa (1959)

Unissued / unused material - Title reads: “Looking Ahead To ’60 - Political Fires Burn Brightly“. American voiceovered newsreel material. United States of America (USA). LS Helicopter landing at the Johnson Ranch in Texas. MS Mexico’s President Adolfo Lopez Mateos and Lyndon B. Johnson being welcomed. LS Walking towards helicopter. LS Mexican band. MS Mexico’s President and Senator Lyndon B Johnson, greeting former President Harry S Truman as he alights from helicopter. LS Of them shaking hands. MS The three of them walking along. MS Notice on tree “Lyndon Johnson Sera Presidente. MS Johnson shaking hands. LS Ext. of ranch, guests in foreground. MS Guests being helped with food, American President Harry S Truman helping himself to food. CU Truman seated at table. GV Panning shot of guests seated at table out in the open. LS Press around Governor of New York, Nelson Rockefeller taking notes, Rockefeller speaking. LS Governor Rockefeller and his wife posing with the his son Steven Rockefeller, hi
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