Ork Music; Wrath of GorkaMorka (NOW WITH DOWNLOAD!)

A little melody I composed inspired by this article about Ork Art; Progressive music is the domain of the Mekaniaks where only they have the technical skills and apparatus for recording, sampling, mixing and synthesizing. They record battle chants, squirl of squigs, shouting choir and even the sounds of battle. Meks with music inclination blends these sounds into their own compositions then blare them out on loudspeakers for the entertainment and enjoyment of their fellow Orks. Such events are called Konceris. The current music currently favored by most Meks is known as Rokk. The most progressive Meks in the field of Orkish muzik are those of the Goff clan, who specialize in the eerie sound of Goffik Rokk. Another popular style involves the sounds of heavy machinery, gun fire and the recordings of Gargant construction which is known as ’Evvy Mettal. Great Warlords have been known to commission works from notable Mek musicians. Many of these musicians earn a sonsiderable amo
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