Several reason for you to buy LUXCEO P7RGB:
P7 RGB has a variety of features, the most uniquely is that it’s a fully waterproof and can be fully submerged underwater. This opens up a myriad of creative possibilities for photographers, videographers, and the like who want to explore using
water or shooting underwater!
primary use for these lights is they make the perfect tool for light painting photography. That is long-exposure photography that captures streaks of light. The tube light style allows the camera to capture some pretty interesting streaks of light which would be super difficult to create!
having an excellent solution for some water filled content creation and light painting. it also very practical and useful in a variety of scenarios, give their durability, lighting variety and FX and shock proofing! it built in large battery with power bank function which can be used for charging your smart devices on the go!
is suitable for a
1 year ago 00:04:47 1
Yngwie Malmsteen | Black Star | Classical Guitar Cover | (Live at Budokan, Tokyo 1994)
2 years ago 00:12:26 1
Бюджетный RGB LED свет на все случаи жизни - Luxceo Q508A и P7RGB