⚙️ Gears of War 5 Story Campaign Act II Forest For The Trees

⚙️ Gears of War 5 Story Campaign Act II Chapter 3 - Forest For The Trees ✔️ Subscribe ✔️ Video Link After dropping down, Marcus will radio. Move through the trees, following the path, until you reach a fallen tree. Duck under it and continue, then take a left to find the gate. Duck through the hole in the large door to enter New Hope and Kait will have another vision. Continue through the ruins (picking up the Boomshot and Frag Grenades along the way) and you’ll break out into the forest again. Pass the Jameson Depot sign, into the woods on the right, then circle around to the left as the icy crags rain from the sky. Continue until you reach the ledge, then give Del a boost and continue straight ahead and you’ll soon encounter another Stump. The steady fire from the Stump will destroy the icy pillars you attempt to hide behind, so use Jack’s Stim, Shock Trap, or Flash
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