East-West ’war’ For Peace (1951)

Full title reads: “East-West ’War’ For Peace“. Berlin, East German. Part of The World Festival of Youth. GV Communist Youth marching past saluting base in Marx-Engels Platz. SV High ranking Red officials taking salute. SV Procession with Stalin flags. CU Youth with picture of Stalin. GV Parade with flags. SV Head of parade with flags. SV Crowd clapping. CU Flags in procession. CU Red officer in crowd, applauding. GV Parade. SV Crowd applauding. GV Parade with flags. CU Two men applauding. SV Girls in parade waving. GV Parade. Intertitle reads: “Munich“ Balloons carrying messages of freedom to Czechoslovakia are released. SV Balloon being inflated. SV Men inflating balloons. SV Men stuffing balloon with leaflets. CU Pan up as balloon in released. SV Harold Stassen looking up at balloon. CU Man holding balloon pan up to balloon. SV Balloon going up. SV Balloon rising. SV Balloons being released. CU Balloon rising. (F.G.) (Orig.A.) Selected Originals exist for this item - see other records. FILM
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