Tanbo self defense strikes

The Tanbo, also known as the Tamba in Okinawa, is a short wooden staff that is used in traditional Japanese and Okinawan martial arts. It is considered one of the most important weapons in the Okinawan weapon-based fighting system known as Kobudo. The origins of the Tanbo can be traced back to the Ryukyu Kingdom, a powerful maritime kingdom located in what is now Okinawa, Japan. During this time, Okinawan peasants were forbidden from carrying weapons for self-defense, so they had to improvise and find alternative weapons that could be easily concealed. This led to the development of various farming tools and implements that could be used for self-defense, including the Tanbo. The Tanbo was originally used as a tool for farming and working in the fields, but its design made it ideal for self-defense as well. It was lightweight and easy to carry, and its length allowed the user to strike from a safe distance. Additionally, the Tanbo’s versatility made it an effective weapon against other weapo
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