知覧武家屋敷群とお庭めぐり : Walking Around Chiran

鹿児島県の知覧武家屋敷庭園を散策いたしました。最寄りのバス停を降りた瞬間から、整った美しい街並みに圧倒されました。まさに、町全体が日本庭園のようでした。 【Chiran Samurai Residence Gardens】 Chiran is called “Little Kyoto in Kagoshima“. In the late Edo period (19th century), there were more than 500 samurai residences. There is a beautiful Japanese garden on the 700m path lined with stone walls. Stone walls path was designed to prevent invasion from the enemy. It is devised so that you cannot clearly see the inside of the samu
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