【SHADOWVERSE SUNDAY】Sparring With Gigguk from Trash Taste! #HololiveEnglish

What is up, humans?! ♡ Calliope Mori(森 カリオペ)here. Grim Reaper’s apprentice has a body! Can you believe it? Today’s guest is... Gigguk, from Trash Taste! Gigguk and friends so kindly invited me onto the podcast back in November, so I’m returning the favorit this time! If you’d like to watch it, check it out here! We’ll be sparring, and discussing strategies, our choices, and overall getting some tips for how to do this Dang Thing. This is part of my effort to go from zero knowledge in Shadowverse, to being able to hold my own in the upcoming tournament this month! We’ll be having a couple more “mystery guests“ who have been active in the Shadowverse community, every other week or so!
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