Hotel Injunctions & Locals fear

#migrants #migranthotel #migranthotels #dover #borderforce #willofthepeople #shtf #shtfsurvival #blackouts #humanity #human #droidz #driver #darwin #rules #offgrid #offgridliving #rainwaterharvesting #rant #globalists #wef #who #cbdc #heritageparty #control #socialcreditscore #carboncreditscore #carboncreditscoresystem #carboncreditsystem #diversity #choices #freedom #freedonofspeach #nwo #1984 #gulag #revolution #resistance #cctv #propoganda #comunism #freeman #strawman #powercuts #energy #lightsout #electricity #imunity #depression #sad #seasonaldiseases #shortages #gasshortage #electricityshortage I am an average working-class man existing in a mad world. I bring you the news MSM avoids telling you, my guests and I debate the current things. We try to make sense of it all, we are probably saying out loud the things you are most likely thinking and, all this while having a drink and a laugh in the process. You are not alone in your tho
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