Eventide UltraTap Pedal Tutorial - Part 1: Knobs & Switches
Eventide’s Joe Cozzi takes us on an in-depth tour of the UltraTap pedal. This video focuses on the pedal’s front panel controls, footswitches, and LED buttons.
0:00:00 - Beginning
0:00:16 - Overview
0:02:17 - Page Button
0:03:17 - Mix
0:06:27 - Taps
0:09:30 - Length
0:20:31 - Spread
0:24:47 - Taper
0:29:16 - Feedback
0:33:03 - Taps Machine
0:33:44 - Predelay
0:36:03 - Tone
0:38:01 - Chop: LFO
0:42:27 - Chop: Swell
0:48:26 - Chop: Trigger
0:51:46 - Slurm
0:54:37 - Out Lvl
0:54:58 - Creating A Preset
0:58:15 - Active Footswitch
0:58:33 - Momentary Function
0:58:50 - Preset Mode
0:59:23 - Eventide Device Manager
1:00:16 - Tap Mode: Time
1:00:40 - Tap Mode: Tempo
1:01:20 - Saving Presets
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