Permablitz – a volunteer fuelled backyard working bee
Guest presenter Hannah Moloney takes us to the home of a young Tasmanian couple, and shows us that with great planning, great mates, great ideas and some hard yakka, a barren backyard can be transformed into the beginnings of a food forest, in just one weekend!
This is a permablitz - a volunteer fuelled working bee where complete strangers and old friends come together to work, plant, share, learn & have fun. The concept is simple - once you have chipped in at three permablitzes, you can offer to host one at your place, like Kat and Zac have done at their block. All the materials are paid for by the host (Kat and Zac on this occasion), but the labour, knowledge and skills are provided, for free, from the volunteers.
The garden is also designed by a volunteer permaculture designer, in this case Hannah, who has been working with Kat & Zac, to plan the productive garden of their dreams. They want it all - vegies, chooks, an orchard, lawn space, privacy on the eastern boundary & plenty of natives. And, wi
4 years ago 00:11:14 8
Permablitz – a volunteer fuelled backyard working bee
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Пермаблиц. Джефф Лотон
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Permablitz on Costa’s Garden Odyssey, 2009
4 years ago 00:11:15 8
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