Glacier Drama - First Pictures (1946)

Item title reads - Stop Press. Swiss Alps. The rescue of the occupants of the American Dakota which crashed in the Alps. C/U of the Daily Graphic, Daily Express, Sunday Empire News and Sunday Pictorial showing headlines of the rescue story. Various shots of the Alps, showing clouds lying low on the peaks. Various shots of the rescue party of Swiss guides, roped together and carrying heavy packs, groping their way precariously up the mountain side. Various shots of the U.S. base at Meiringen, with jeeps, ambulance and nurses waiting. M/S’s of a Fieseler Storch (Swiss rescue ’plane) taking off and soaring over the mountain tops. L/S taken from the rescue ’plane. The line of rescuers can be seen far below near numerous snow-filled crevasses. L/S of the crashed Dakota, from the ’plane. C/U silhouette of the pilot at the controls. Various shots of the rescued on stretchers being put into the ’plane. C/U of the rescued people smiling. C/U U.S. General Tate embracing his son who was pilot of the Dakota
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