Sigue Sigue Sputnik - The Early Rehearsals

Once we had a band, we started rehearsing in a windowless room of Magenta’s mew’s house in Maida Vale, playing mutated covers of old Elvis and Eddie Cochran songs. This is the earliest known video of that early band. Naive and not used to being filmed, you can feel the close relationships and the sense of excitement at what the future could hold... This is one of the most exciting times in the life of any band, when you believe you have something truly unique and extraordinary and you can’t wait to unleash it on an unsuspecting world. Filmed in that very room, along with the ghost of the former tenant Sid Vicious, and also in the Pink Palace rehearsal rooms that the band built themselves - where they painted the name “Elvis“ in one meter high letters on the carpet so they could rehearse walking in his name. Magic. The full story:
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