Suranjali (সুরাঞ্জলি) | Sahaja Yoga Musical Album 1994 | Calcutta Sahaja Collective

Suranjali - Offering of Melodies (A humble offering of Bengali Bhajans at the Lotus Feet of Her Holiness Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi by the Kolkata Sahaja Yoga Collective) Released on March 20, 1994 by Her Holiness Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi on Her Birthday Felicitation Programme at Kalamandir, Calcutta, India. **List of Songs** (click on the hyperlinked-times transcribed within the parentheses to listen to the respective bhajan) Swagata Janani Tomare (00:01) - Voice: Anjana Basu ; Lyric: Swapan Bose Bhaber
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