Dandies (1923)

Haslemere, Surrey. Introductory intertitle reads: “Dandies of the first order - said Miss Trefusis Forbes, real Dandy Dinmonts, in fact.“ Nice shot of kennel maids in jodhpurs, shirts and ties leading some Dandy Dinmonts towards the camera. One dog is made to leap over a jump - like a horse. “Every day is a washing day for someone here.“ M/S of a Dandy Dinmont being given a bath by one of the kennel maids. C/Us of it being soaped and rinsed. The dog is lifted out of the basin and rubbed dry with a towel. “Dandies are real plucky little fellows with the accent on the ’pluck’ in this case!“ Dinmont has its coat thinned by plucking. C/U of the Dandy with his nice new thin coat. He looks very happy. “Teeth brushing, and hair combing - all have their allotted minutes.“ C/U of dog having its teeth cleaned and another having its hair combed - it looks silly! L/Ss of Dandies all clean and preened. “And they’re always ready for a bit of fun.“ L/S of one dandy sitting in a cart which two oth
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