Oncolytic virus - medical animation - Imugene CHECKvacc

We’ve produced this 3D video medical animation for the Australian Biotech company , specializing in immuno-oncology therapies. This science video explains what an oncolytic virus is and how it works (Mode of Action of an oncolytic virus), and then explains the CHECKvacc technology. CHECKvacc is based on the CF33 platform and has further enhanced tumor-killing ability by adding an anti-PD-L1 antibody gene. A visual explanation of Biotechnology helps explain science in an easy-to-understand way and sparks interest among investors, pharma partners, and the public. There’s something about watching a video that makes the hard science so much easier to understand for any audience. has dealt with the production of this video from A to Z, including a professional life sciences script written by a medical writer. The storyboard was sketched by a medical illustrator specializing in immuno-oncology storyboards and the 3D animation was produced by a local team in Poland.
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