Correct Running Position ✅ #runningtips

Proper running form is essential for efficient and injury-free running. Here are some key elements of correct running position: Posture: Maintain an upright posture with your head upright and your chin level. Avoid slouching or hunching your shoulders. Keep your core engaged to support your spine and maintain proper alignment. Your torso should be slightly tilted forward to create a forward lean, but avoid leaning too far forward. Arm Swing: Keep your arms relaxed and slightly bent at the elbows. Swing your arms forward and back in a smooth, natural motion. Your arms should not cross your midline of your body. Your hands should be open with your palms facing forward. Leg Mechanics: Land softly on the balls or midfoot of your feet, avoiding heel striking. Your stride should be short and efficient. Avoid overstriding, which can lead to impact injuries. Your foot should land directly underneath your body, not out in front of you. Your heel should no
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