6 Planets Even Better for Life Than Earth -- NASA scientists discovery

6 plants even better for life than earth, imagine a world where the sun is always shining, the air is cleaner than you can imagine and there are no wars or conflicts. This may sound like science fiction, but it’s possible on six planets we know of! Surprisingly, these planets have conditions better suited for life than Earth itself. So why limit ourselves to just one planet when we could potentially explore new horizons? Buckle up as we take you on an interstellar journey to discover which six planets offer a better way of living compared to our beloved Earth. Kepler-442b is an exoplanet located about 1,120 light years from Earth. It is slightly larger than our planet and orbits a cool, dim star that is about half the size of our sun. This makes it more likely to have a stable climate and to be located in the “habitable zone“ of its star, where liquid water could exist on its surface. This makes it a good candidate for supporting life. Proxima Centauri B was discovered in 2016 by the
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