Skyborne Envoys: The Upcoming Return of Ancient Celestial Travelers

@zoharstargateancientdiscoverie 2023, Contact in the Desert Expo - For millennia, the annals of human history have been adorned with depictions of profound interactions between ancient civilizations and celestial beings descending from the vast skies above. These enigmatic encounters, etched across time, hint at an enduring connection between Earth and the cosmos. As we ponder these celestial visitations, the question lingers: When will these envoys of the sky grace our world once again? Presented by Jason Martell: Jason Martell is an entrepreneur and co-founder of numerous successful tech companies. He is also an acclaimed researcher and lecturer in ancient civilization technologies. For more than 20 years these two realms of business and personal passion have served as pillars of Mr. Martell’s career — and while they are parallel to each other, they do have one thing in common: a desire to uncover knowledge and foster progress for humankind. For over 15 years, Mr. Martell has been one of th
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