Poland roasts EU Parliament over Migrant Crisis. ’Doctors and engineers’
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Possibly one of the best & most deserved slap in the face I’ve heard in politics in my life, & delivered magnificently. Bravo Dominik Tarczyński, Bravo. - Strasbourg
He’s right, you know. Elegant way of saying “doctors and engineers“ about sand people.
If you told me 20 years ago Poland would be the one country in Europe that had any semblance of sanity left, I’d laugh. How the turns table
Unemployment in Poland is so low as so many polish ppl work in neighbor countries like Germany, as wages are much higher there. This is possible due to EU Freizügigkeit (don’t know the English word - but basically you can move, live and work wherever you want in EU as EU citizen, despite a shitload of paperwork I guess)
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Poland roasts EU Parliament over Migrant Crisis. ’Doctors and engineers’
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