⚛️ Learn English Words: DENSITY - Meaning, Vocabulary with Pictures and Examples

✅ 10 WORDS PLAYLIST ► How well do you know these words? 👇 (Uploaded November 17, 2017) 1. DICHOTOMY ► 2. BIAS ► 3. ABOLISH ► 4. INEFFABLE ► 5. ACCRUE ► 6. BELIE ► 7. DIATRIBE ► 8. AESTHETIC ► 9. CORPULENT ► 10. AUDACITY ► or .. WATCH these 10 Word of the Day videos together in a playlist, TOP link in the description box. What does Density mean? Learn the meaning of Density as we define this advanced vocabulary word with a simple definition, pictures, example sentences, English pronunciation and audio. Density definition (noun) how compact or concrete something is Density pronunciation: den-si-tee Examples of Density in a sentence
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