Olga Vorobyova artist

Olga Vorobyova artist Music, Sergey Grischuk Olga Vorobyeva was born in Moscow. In 2002 she graduated from the Moscow Gnessin School of Music (under Tatyana Vorobyeva), after receiving the honores diploma continued her studies in the Russian Gnessin Academy of Music. In 2007 she graduated from the Russian Gnessin Academy of Music, receiving the honorous diploma and in 2010 completed her post-graduate course at the Gnessin Academy of Music where she studied with professor Margarita Volkova. Since 2006 O. Vorobyeva has taught the course of accompanement in the Gnessin School of music. Olga Vorobyeva is a prize-winner at the competition for receiving the Alexander Skriabin scholarship and winner the special Vsevolod Buyukly prize for the best performance of Alexander Skriabin’s works (1995). Among other scholarship-holders recorded various works by Alexander Skriabin (CD “Melody Company”). Olga Vorobyeva reawarded with the diploma at The Second International Moscow Festival of young pi
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