ICRA’21 Presentation: Tight Integration of Feature-based Relocalization in Monocular Direct VO
Tight Integration of Feature-based Relocalization in Monocular Direct Visual Odometry
Mariia Gladkova, Rui Wang, Niclas Zeller, and Daniel Cremers
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2021, Xi’an, China
In this paper we propose a framework for integrating map-based relocalization into online direct visual odometry. To achieve map-based relocalization for direct methods, we integrate image features into Direct Sparse Odometry (DSO) and rely on feature matching to associate online visual odometry (VO) with a previously built map. The integration of the relocalization poses is threefold. Firstly, they are incorporated as pose priors in the direct image alignment of the front-end tracking. Secondly, they are tightly integrated into the back-end bundle adjustment. Thirdly, an online fusion module is further proposed to combine relative VO poses and global relocalization poses in a pose graph to estimate keyframe-wise smooth and globally accura
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ICRA’21 Presentation: Tight Integration of Feature-based Relocalization in Monocular Direct VO