Gravity Granular Reverb: New Free Witch Pig Plugin

Demo of the new free audio FX VST3 plugin from Witch Pig. Delay will set the time between the number of echoes selected, in relation to the BPM of the DAW. For a straight delay, set a small number of echoes, and leave the Feedback at a low setting. To create a basic reverb, create more echoes, with short Delay between them, and incease the Feedback. Use the Divisions knob to break up the reverb or delay into granules, and then use Start and End to make the length of the divisions increase or decrease. If End is greater than Start then the lengh of each division will increase, or if End is less that Start, then the the divisions will decrease before looping around again. If Start and End are the same, then the divisions will remain consistent in relation to the BPM of the DAW. To download the plugin for free, go to
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