The Plankton Nutone is a dual tube VCA based on the Korg Nutube: compact fluorescent displays re-engineered to act as micro vacuum triode tubes. Its easy-to-use interface include controls for each stage to be fed back into itself, as well as for each stage to be fed to the other one. It can be used as normal VCA with minimal distortion, as a tube VCA with distortion only on the envelope peaks, or as a saturation device. At high feedback levels, it will self-oscillate and generally freak out in interesting ways.
In this movie, I give a no-talking demo of using the Nutone, and then look at how it changes the incoming sound:
00:00 demo
01:53 overview
02:46 setting up
03:50 triangle/sawtooth variations
06:24 using as a VCA vs. saturator
The other movie demonstrates the Nutone in use as a VCA, as a saturation device, and as the two put together – including performance control. It’s URL is
Both movies are also part of the Learning Modular Eurorack Expansion course (https://learnin