DEXCORE 「Who’s fault?」 Official Music Video

ダウンロード・ストリーミングはこちら ——————————————— 「Who’s fault?」 lyric:架神 / music:架神 Who’s fault? The sun is rising again He lights us without knowing anything The moon comes out again She lights the darkness without knowing anything But it won’t light our heart Stop it It’s too bright Don’t want to see the light Everyones going crazy (GO AWAY) Stay on my side (NO WAY) Just waiting for the morning (TELL ME) Everything looks hazy Like the old days (GO AWAY) Stay on my side (NO WAY) Just waiting for the morning (TELL ME) I can’t understand it no matter how much I think about it Why? Expect it more than necessary Spit if betrayed (Who’s fucking fault?) The legs won’t go to the right direction
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