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In this recent unveiling entitled L’affranchi, the enigmatic Obsqure beckons thee to partake in a wondrous sonic tapestry, weaving a mystical voyage through the depths of the desert. He shall serve as thy guide, leading thee through the obscure and arcane enclaves until thou dost arrive at most concealed oasis. This cinematic excursion shall be a journey through the realms of trip hop, featuring resplendent organic instrumentation and soul-stirring ethnic vocals of the highest order, all bearing the unmistakable hallmark of Obsqure’s unparal
...leled artistry.
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Artist: Obsqure
Title: L’affranchi
Release: Apr 27, 2023
Format: Album
Tags: Ethnochill, Cinematic, #Trip hop, #Downtempo, #Electronica
Label: Cosmicleaf Records
Catalog code: CLCD813DG
00:00:00 001 Obsqure - L’affranchi
00:03:44 002 Obsqure - Reverie
00:08:38 003 Obsqure - Tataouine
00:12:21 004 Obsqure - Mirages
00:16:33 005 Obsqure - La Rue Macabre
Cover by Obsqure
Mastering by Justin Bennett at Studio23 BolognaShow more