Archtower Devlog: Bracelet

Bracelet, unlocks after some interactions with a new faction Dust Exiles. This is some kinda abstract equipment, which can’t be unequipped/transfered/lost. In fact, a set of minislots for additional bonuses to adjust and improve builds. Two slots for now: one since lvl 2, another one since 11th, later one will be added with 17th hero level, and one more with Legendary difficulty after full release. Also, it is possible to add a few more ones with DLCs, if that will happen. After bracelet unlock you can see on crystals what bonuses they can give you if placed in a bracelet. (Old crystals won’t have that, they are marked as outdated ones, which also mentions when you try to enchase them). Crystal bonus is rolled when it drops, roll depends on crystal’s color. Power of bonuses is relevant to item prefix bonuses, but it always scales with hero’s level, not taking item level. Also, there are no deviation range for a bonus power, it takes average value, empowers only with higher quali
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