米卡Mika最新单曲 Trust me

🥝 Mika Hashizume 🥝 ◾️Japanese-American ◾️Moved from Hawaii to Japan at 16 ◾️A member of the temporary Chinese boy-group INTO1 after competing in the Chinese survival show Produce Camp 2021 and ended in 4th place. He’ll be promoting with INTO1 for 2 years, and be inactive in INTERSECTION. ◾️His Chinese fandom is named mí hóu táo (猕猴桃; Kiwi)🥝 Please subscribe to 【米卡_Mika Fanclub CN】for more official updates of Mika 🥝 请订阅【米卡_Mika Fanclub CN】解锁更多不一样的米卡视频 “If you ever think about Hawaii, you can think about sunshine, the beach, peace, and me.“——Mika Hashizume 🥝 如果你想起夏威夷,你会想到阳光、
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