AV5 - Roger Hayes - Bankster Mortgage Fraud

Chairman - The British Constitution Group Bankster Mortgage Fraud Roger has had a lifelong interest in the politics of banking and the international monetary system and in the past decade has worked in a voluntary capacity to inform and educate others as to how the banking system is in reality nothing more than a gigantic Ponzi scheme sponsored by a political elite with vested interests and underpinned with taxpayers money. BIO Roger set up The British Constitution Group in 2008 and has given speeches nation-wide on banking, the monetary system and our constitution. Roger is a Master Mariner by profession, born in Liverpool, England and schooled at HMS Conway in Anglesey. He spent 10-years in the merchant navy as a navigating officer in both freezer and passenger ships trading out of the New Zealand and Australia. He left the merchant navy to pursue business interest in New Zealand and returned to the UK in 1989 to develop those interests. Roger has been married to his wife Gaye for 36 years and has three adult children – he is keen to ensure that their futures are not compromised by a banking system that has no place in a modern world.
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