Houthis Declare ’New Battle’ With USA; Hezbollah Rejects Ceasefire Call; Israel’s ICJ Appeal

Hours after launching a fresh attack on a US warship in the Red Sea, the Houthis of Yemen issued a fresh warning, claiming that a new battle with “American enemy“ had begun after the “martyrdom“ of naval troops in a US attack. President of the Houthi Supreme Political Council said that if the US was committed to helping Israel, then the Houthis were committed to helping Gaza, and the nation of “40 million fighters“ was ready for the battle. Earlier, the US military claimed Houthis launched a drone towards its warship USS Laboon, which shot it down. Additionally, Lebanon’s Hezbollah group has reportedly refused a ceasefire with Israel amid clashes. Al Jazeera reported U.S. and France began mediation efforts amid ongoing clashes. The report said that Hezbollah is not interested in ceasing the hostilities with Israel. Al Jazeera report added that Israel was also not in favor of a ceasefire with Lebanon. Meanwhile, Israel is reportedly planning to launch a diplomatic offensive ah
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