Orlen Wisla Plock - GOG Highlights EHF European League Men Quarter FINALS

Orlen Wisla Plock - GOG Highlights EHF European League Men Quarter FINALS PLOCK TURN AROUND THREE-GOAL DEFICIT TO BOOK EHF FINALS TICKET Share URL via E-MailShare on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on WhatsappCopy URL to clipboard If you turned off your TV after twenty minutes of the clash between Plock and GOG, you probably got the wrong answer to the question: which of the two sides qualified for the EHF FINALS 2020/21? Because after suffering in the first act, Wisla delivered a stunning defensive second half to be the first ever Polish team to play the EHF FINALS on 22/23 May. QUARTER-FINALS Orlen Wisla Plock (POL) vs GOG (DEN) 31:26 (13:13) First leg: 27:30. Aggregate: 58:56 GOG clearly had the upper hand in the first half, even though this domination did not translate on the scoreboard at the break. The visitors led by up to three goals at the 18th minute, but the Polish side managed to remain in the game and make the score even at half-time. Only scoring one goal betwe
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