FFXII Zodiac Age - Vaan Solo Early Trial Mode [Stages 95-98?]

My last video for this Uhlan run, most likely. Check out the pinned comment below for future directions of this channel. Shared GameFAQs thread on this challenge with LaraCroftFan32: 95 - Somehow managed to get all 3 steals in one go, so you can imagine how scared I was to get killed after that lol. She will only use Holy attacks when you don’t absorb the element, so fast Sage’s Ring swapping is necessary. I also abused her susceptibility to Blind. 96 - Dunno what I was doing on this stupid stage. Warped some bats, stabbed some bats, then suddenly I was on stage 97. 97 - Survive the initial RNG Darkja then it’s easy. WHB will melt Zodiark’s HP bar. 98 - Not sure if this one’s even possible, but I’m gonna keep trying for a little while. Just wanted to show a quick clip of why this fight is nigh impossible.
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