Meeting Maharishi Mahesh Yogi - Dr Tony Nader

Dr Tony Nader: Meeting Maharishi Brief Transcript: I think I feel in myself that I first met Maharishi when I started to practice Transcendental Meditation because Maharishi’s reality is on the level of his being, his inner self. So, in that sense as soon as I started meditating (and this was in the early 70’s) I experienced that reality which is transcendental, which is beyond the sensory level, which is inner, which is more abstract, but more full, more holy, more together, more peaceful, more blissful. And that inner experience, of course I didn’t know exactly what it was except through the course of Transcendental Meditation we are told, and everyone is told that this is the Unified Field, this is Pure Consciousness, this is the source of everything. And so in that sense I feel this comes from somewhere very deep, very important, and I got very interested to follow up on that. I was a medical student (not even a medical student, I was pre-medical student) and I had a lot to work
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