Transformice: Physicist Skill Tree Breakdown (Part 3)

Part 3 of 3 of Shaman Event! Click this link to join if you’re a Newbie! :3 - Pause at 00:16s if you don’t want to watch the entire video :) New Skill Trees are permanent. Note: Handymouse can also link mice with objects. PHYSICIST SKILLS 1. Anger 2. Recycling 3. Antigravity 4. Rollout 5. Solitary 6. Stop! 7. Restorative 8. Mad scientist 9. Gravitational Anomaly 10. Grapnel 11. S 12. Booster 13. Handymouse 14. Big plank 15. Controlled disintegration USEFUL SKILLS 2. Recycling 3. Antigravity 5. Solitary 7. Restorative 8. Mad scientist (For Survivor) 9. Gravitational Anomaly 10. Grapnel (For Divine) 12. Booster 14. Big Plank 15. Controlled Disintegration (Yay or Nay?) FUN SKILLS 1. Anger 4. Rollout 6. Stop! 11. S 13. Handymouse Music: CraftedMusic (Monetised by CM)
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