Christine Salus - Glute + Core. Superset Strength & Tabata Workout | Интервальная тренировка (ягодицы + кор)

Warm-up (50:10) 1) easy jacks 2) rev lunge with lunge hop (alt sides) 3) down dog to plank to baby cobra 4) squat and twist 5) cossack squats 6) glutei bridge Part 1: (repeat 2x) 1) curtsy lunge-squat-pivot lunge-squat combo (6 per side) 2) banded bird-dog (20 reps) Tabata #1 (20:10 for 4 min) kneeling lunge w/ glute raise // plyo lunge Part 2: Repeat 2x 1) Bulgarian split squats (12 per leg) 2) Plank step overs (10 total) Tabata #2 curtsy lunge squat jump // hip thrusts Part 3: (repeat 2x) 1) Single leg glute bridge (12 reps) 2) romanian dead lifts (14 reps) Tabata #3 Single leg hip thrusts // side laying hip rise Glute Burnout (repeat 2x) 1) Banded kick backs (12 reps per leg) 2) banded lateral walks (AMRAP) 3) banded glute bridge with weight (20 reps)
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