Fauna takes in HOMELESS INA, but Mumei is BEATING her up so she could EAT DIRT(?) |【MINECRAFT】

..partially replicated fauna’s house. Ina has turned into Mumei’s Punching Bag and went PLUS MOOM-TRA. Fauna is pleas- i mean displeased, very displeased. Leave a like and click here to subscribe for more: Sauce: 【MINECRAFT】 FIGHTING THE WITHER WITH FRIENDS (kirin pov) 【COLLAB】 Withering With You ft. @CeresFauna @TakanashiKiara @GawrGura @NanashiMumei 【MINECRAFT】WITHER SHOWDOWNNNNN Hololive Galaxy - BluezKaito’s Avatar World HololiveCouncil: @CeresFauna @NanashiMumei @TsukumoSana HololiveMyth: @NinomaeInanis @TakanashiKiara @GawrGura My Social Media Channels - Twitter: Twitch:... Ko-Fi: Tags:
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