Zoë Keating, Quito Song (June 2020 version) at home

Today’s version of the Quito Song, recorded at home on June 24, 2020. This song came about when I was invited some years ago to play a concert in Quito, Ecuador. I got there a couple days before the concert to acclimatize to the elevation and sure enough, after 24 hrs I felt horrible: I was nauseous, my hands and feet had swollen and all I could do was lie in my hotel room. At some point, I got up and opened the shutters of the room. It was almost sunset, the clouds were beautiful, rays of light hitting the plaza below where kids were playing, couples were strolling and groups of people chatting. I think the lack of oxygen made it feel all very emotional for reasons I couldn’t put a finger on. I quickly setup my gear and started to play and this song was the result. I play at concerts and it’s different every time. Still working towards what I want it to be in the studio which is why, for now, the working title is “Quito Song”. This seemed like the right thing to play right now while I’m at home and remem
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